I have been an outdoors man all my life, lived in Hawaii for two years and worked construction projects. Developed a BCC on my eyelid, two surgeries for removal and cosmetic surgery the second time. I've had dozens of pre-cancers removed and use creams for some. I have several spots on my nose right now and a couple on my scalp. We have a direct line to our dermatologists and my wife will be calling to set up an appointment in the next day or two. We always go together because the DW has her over exposure problems too.
If you are married like I am, take a shower and lay on the bed and let your DW(SO) whoever inspect for possible signs of abnormalities.
Do the same for her.
It might save your life.
I have suffered through PC and it sucks, our DD has been fighting CC for over twelve years and that sucks and is the worse emotional roller coaster you can ride. Treatments for advanced cancers SUCK. Chemo is baaaaaad, radiation is worse.
Be careful and be very alert to any changes.