Last fall we were staying at a campground in Colorado that we were really enjoying. The FW beside us had been vacant for the 5 days we had already been there because the owners rent the space for the entire season and had returned home for a week. On the next to the last morning there, 3 guys drove up at 4:30am talking very loud. It startled us awake. They were opening doors, slamming hatches, asking which cooler the beer was in, etc. It was very disturbing and truly rude at that hour. When we got up, they were inside probably fast asleep. We didn't bother them. That night however, they were drinking and cutting up around a campfire which was close to our bedroom window until about 3am. We were leaving the next morning about 8am and made sure to make as much noise as we could on that side knowing they would probably still be asleep. After all, they had disturbed us 2 nights in a row...turn about fair play, right? They did come out as we were finishing hooking up, introduced themselves and apologized to us for their noise the night before. I am sure they heard my husband say something to the effect "I don't give a crap, they woke me up and kept me up 2 nights" when I suggested he lower his voice before they came out. One guy said that it was his FW they were staying in and he takes his wife home and brings his buddy's back every year the same time for a week. I know now which spot I don't want if I camp there that particular week again. They were nice enough...just very loud.