Normally I'd not want my next site neighbor running a Generator all night but.
1: You are talking about a Flying J. Odds are I'll not hear your (or my) generator at a J over all the other noise
2: you said you have a Gen-Turi.
So, if you ever find yorrself next to me at a "J".. Be my guest and run the thing :).
Two issues with running generators only one really applies to a "J".
NOISE (Ambient masks my Onan rather well)
and Exhaust.. I havfe had it happen where the person beside me, his Generator sent enough exhaust into MY RV to set off the CO alarm.. With a Gen-turi installed mine will NOT do that to you nor will it do it to me
Without a Gen-turi it takes mine 2 hours to set off mine.. Scary. (Actually putting the small extension about 1-2 inches, to connect the Gen-turi fixed that, but I still use the Gen-turi)