Lantley wrote:
I don't have toppers because I don't want them. I haven't missed not having them. Just read this thread and you can see from other post why I don't have them.
A few of those post are of mods and gadgets they use to avoid some of the pitfalls of the toppers.
If toppers did not pool or flap I'd might consider them. I agree they don't all pool and flap. I also agree pooling and flapping are not deal breakers for everyone. many tolerate the pooling and flapping. Some use mods to control the pooling and flapping.
I prefer to avoid toppers all together because I feel the potential pitfalls outweigh the benefits.
If you like toppers that's fine many do find them beneficial, but I think pretending there is no downside or somehow imply that because I don't have toppers I should not comment on their downside is not helpful.
Like it or not, tolerate it or not there is a down side to toppers.
Those interested in toppers should beware of the pitfalls before making a decision.
I special ordered my RV to get the exact features I wanted and did not want. I considered toppers, but ultimately decided against them.
Currently I have no desire for toppers, maybe one day I will experience circumstances that will make me wish I had toppers, that's possible. But for now I a happy without toppers and do not regret my decision to omit them for the reasons I mentioned.
Thank you for the very informative response. I certainly respect your desire to have what you want, and not have what you don't want.
But, of course there is a "but" :), when you cite these "problems" "downsides" "pitfalls", you are merely parroting what you've heard/read. You really have no first hand experience, and hence, have no personal data to add, just passing along anecdotal assumptions. If doing so you really should be sure to state it is all supposition and hearsay, that you have no experience with them.
It would be like me, who owns a Dodge pickup, citing all the issues with the Ford pickup even though I don't own one, and have no idea whether any of the issues are even real, but I will pass them along like they are real. When a person asks for opinions/experiences about a product, they have the right to expect actual opinions from people who own/use the product, not passed along hearsay, speculation, and rumors. I have passed along things I have read/heard, but I try to state that when I post them.
Okay, I'm done. No more rebuttals.