roaminaround wrote:
Question for those who have slide toppers. Rain, especially heavy rain is extremely loud on the roof of our slides. Much more so than our previous rig. Keeps us awake on rainy nights. How much will slide toppers dampen rain noise?
If the rain is bothering you , then I don't think toppers will help. Here's my take , my previous fifth wheel had slide toppers 12 years with that fifth wheel , and they were a bit noisy in the wind, never bothered us, knew what is was , and let them flap . As far as rain ,now we have a fifth wheel without toppers, I see no difference its pretty loud just like the previous fifth wheel with the rain beating on the roof ,and the slide outs .
I don't see the difference between having them ,and not . The noise IMO is the nature of the beast ,and has not bothered us. Actually the strong winds where we live here in Utah bother us more at night in our house then the fifth wheel . Of course the gusts have reached 100 mph. coming out of canyons .