Samsonsworld wrote:
Gdetrailer wrote:
20 lb propane cylinder holds about 4.7 gallons of propane.
Propane weighs about 4.2 lbs per gallon
pretty much all cylinder exchanges (you bring empty and exchange it for a loaded cylinder) short load the cylinders with about 15 lbs of propane or about 3.5 gallons of propane.
In the case of the price of $19.99 that is $5.71 per gallon you are paying for the convenience of grab and go..
If you went to a propane dealer that fills your cylinder while you wait and you were to pay $19.99 you would get 4.7 gallons of propane at $4.25 per gallon!
But I think $19.99 for exchange is a bit low, current price locally for Blue Rhino cylinders near me is $21 for 15 lbs..
Been quite a few yrs ago when I needed to refill my 30 lbs cylinders, cost me less than $19 for full 30 lbs (about 7 gallons) although I am sure it is a bit more now days.
If you are OK paying more for convenience and don't mind only getting 15 lbs then use the cylinder exchanges.
I found your post pretty insightful and appreciate the information.
Guys, I don't look to spend more money than I have to but I also don't look to spend more of my time. There is a trade off. By my calculations, its roughly $7 more per tank to exchange when you correct the volume. I'll use 3 tanks per year, tops. That's not much money and saves me a LOT of time considering I'm at the grocery store every week anyway.
Sheesh! I didn't know I was starting a controversial topic!
As you said, there is some "trade offs".
Nothing wrong with using a cylinder exchange as long as you are aware of the trade offs.
I have done both ways, my RV cylinders are 30 lb and my gas grill has 20 lb cylinders. Exchanges don't deal with 30 lb or higher cylinders so I get those filled at a hardware store that sells bulk propane.
Gas grill, I have two 20 lb cylinders and when the OPD valve requirement went into effect yrs ago it was much lower cost to pay the cost at an exchange place for cylinders with OPD than it was to have new valves put in and recertified or buy new ones with OPD valves.
The exchanges take care of the recertifications and most will slap a fresh coat of paint on them when needed.
Most exchanges are at retailers like gas stations, grocery stores which have hrs after 4 PM and open on weekends. Most bulk propane dealers do not have hrs after 4-5PM and no weekend hrs..
Just note, as some others have mentioned sometimes exchange cylinders have valve issues.. I keep a spare one for the gas grill in a shed away from the house, I had one that must have had a slow leak I didn't notice and went to use it and it was 100% empty! It had the exchange seal intact but the cylinder felt light and no gas to the grill.