I saw my first two for this season last week here in King george VA. It is the season to be be careful.
The wife and I were tent camping sitting out at Otter Creek camp site up on the Blue Ridge next to the creek enjoying the late afternoon. I got up to get get something and when I came back there was a snake coiled up under the wife's chair. I very softly spoke to try not to scare the wife all that much and said something like I think you should calmly move away from the chair as there is snake under your chair...
That didn't work too well haha... The snake went one way and I went the other way.... Chair went flying... Nothing calm about any of that...
I was afraid the snake would get under out tent flooring. I finally got him escorted to the creek and pitched him out into the cold water with my big stick...
A lady Ranger was driving by just after it happened and asked how were we doing so she got to hear the story right away haha...
True story
Roy and Carolyn