I know I have to raise my hand that when we are used to one area of the country we can put ourselves in harms way with nature when we travel beyond what we know. I know I did!
Wisconsin vs Florida
1. I had to learn NOT to just pick up a piece of wood, cardboard, box or sheet of plywood that has been sitting on the ground, or turn anything over in a brush pile or even on the ground for that matter.:R
~~~~Snakes, snakes, snakes and all poisonous.
2. Stop picking up pine cones to start campfires.
3. Stop putting my plastic storage bins out when parked at a site.
Look under the handles, there are small holes on all of these containers.
~~Bugs all kinds all unidentifiable to me and now in my storage containers.
Wisconsin has harmless Green Garden snakes and you'd be lucky to see one 'maybe' in your lifetime. And Mosquitoes. That's it.