PenMan wrote:
dbbls wrote:
You do know that killing a snake in most, if not all states, is illegal.
I know this is wrong in NM and would guess it is wrong in about 49 other states.
I wish it were 100% true, but you can legally kill most snakes.
Notice I said "most".
For example, in Texas you cannot kill...
Scarlet Snake (pretty pretty snake)
Black-striped snake (meh)
Smooth Green Snake (we play with them an awful lot tho, good attitude and won't bite the kids)
Timber Rattlesnake <--- !!! (don't play with this one)
Texas Indigo Snake (What a beautiful animal, anybody that would kill is just an ignorant person. Like killing baby bunnies)

Generic picture, but I used to run around with these guys when I was a kid. ...although...technically...I think it is illegal to run around with them. .... so as tempting as it may be to play with him, don't get caught doing it.
Speckled Racer (this guys pretty cool)
Brazos water snake (icky snake,, really icky,,the a-hole of all snakes. and I love snakes.
Pine Snake (meh)