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Jul 11, 2017OP - I drive a 31' Class C pulling an enclosed trailer. The trailer tires are rated for 75 mph. The DW and I stayed between 60-65 on I65 headed south in Alabama to the beach. No issues other than I could feel one of RV tires was out of balance.
The wife and I are fortunate enough but mainly smart enough to plan our trips to where we can arrive on time and safely. We add another hour for every 4 hours that the GPS says it will take. Sometimes 1.5 hours. Our reasoning is that primarily we want to arrive safely. Plus you never know about traffic delays. Yes, my family and friends were be able to relax at the destination an hour earlier than we did but since we planned accordingly, we didn't "miss" any of the action of playing in the ocean or relaxing on the beach. We just started ours an hour after they did. It wasn't that big of a deal and if people would HONESTLY assess the risk over the "reward" they would slow down as well.
The wife and I even made a game about how many vehicles we thought we would pass the whole drive. She was correct with three, two of which were motorhomes towing trailers.