cbshoestring wrote:
wandering1 wrote:
The roads are not sidewalks or playgrounds.
I have absolutely no repect for parents who allow their children to roam the neighborhood unsupervised. They mostly think their kids do no wrong, and are frankly BAD parents. Worse then the helicopter parents who won't let them move without mommy or daddy holding their hand.
We are talking campground roads, not highways or main street of town.
I grew up playing in the residential street, and on CG roads. We would scream "car", the nets (street hockey) would be pulled to the curb, then put back in the middle of the street as soon as the car passed. My first memories of travelling on my own---at campgrounds where my parents had a reasonable expectation that EVERYONE was watching out for the hoard of kids running around.
My kids also learned independence by pedaling the loops at many CGs. We could see them between the trailers, but man did they think they were circling the globe. I can still see my son's smile (in my memory) when we let him take a dollar to the camp store for a bag of ice. He pedalled there, but had to push the return trip because the bag of ice was resting on his seat. Yes, they also played on our residential street.
I feel sorry for those of you who do not think that campground roads are also sidewalks and playgrounds. Maybe you will let them toss the football on your site so they don't block your expressway.
Idle speed for me in CGs and I take it easy on residential streets.
I for one go slow for the dust factor, I hate that people dont notice the dust clould behind them. What I really hate is the *ickhead that blocks the what little roadway there is in a CG. Kids are kids they are going to run around and play, I guess some older folks never did that. Too bad so sad.