RandACampin wrote:
abc40kids wrote:
RandACampin wrote:
abc40kids wrote:
RandACampin wrote:
vanreever wrote:
Does anyone else get frustrated by the fact that some people (more than you would think) completely ignore the speed limits set within campground areas? Some are 5mph, some are up to 15mph. I try to relax when I go camping, but sometimes it is hard to do that when you feel like a traffic cop as cars rip by you. Most of them are not towing mind you, but those instances occur as well. Most places my family and I go are children oriented. They ride bikes, run around and play with friends. There are lots of blind intersections where a child or even an adult could risk getting hit by one of these maniacs. I lost my voice at Yogi bears Java Jellystone over July 4th from yelling "slow down" so many times. Maybe I am overreacting, but last time I checked, 5mph was almost walking speed or a extremely slow jog. These so called campers acted like they were driving in nascar or the autobahn. Some of the people were simply going from site to site in their car instead of walking (big park) and my real question is what is the rush? Of course at Jellystone the teenage employees of the campground were not exactly setting a good example by hauling around in their gators, tractors and golf carts at well over the 5mph speed limit. I was not the only one who felt this way during these weekends but obviously some people disregard safety in order to save 30 seconds as with the regular roads. Rant over.
You ever speed on the highway?
Pretty sure there are NO kids, adults walking dogs on the Highway.... Campground usually only have the road to walk on so I'm with the SLOW DOWN crowd, what's the rush! 5 or 10 mph is no big deal, the front gate is never that far. You hit a kid and hurt them your fault or not, you have to live with it.
Doesn't matter, there are signs to obey in both situations.
I see speed limit signs at EVERY campground but have yet to see a sign that said kids watch out for cars. Think you just don't get it and your most likely one that just can't idle thru the cg. You look at it however you want signs or no signs but you hit and hurt a kid or even an adult that was on the same road you were on its probably gonna be put on you and either way you have to live with it.
The op is right you just don't get it, many not all go to fast in the cg, they have NO common sense and either just think they will be able to stop or no kid could ever run out in front of them.
I think you don't get it. I never speed in the CG nor do I speed on the highways. The point is the OP probably speeds on the highways ignoring the signs then complains that people do the same in the CG.
Don't really care how fast the op or you drive on the highway cause my kids aren't on the highway. If you don't speed thru the cg that's great but many do.