Cloud Dancer wrote:
"It does not matter how prepared you think you are it will still surprise you."
In order to be helpful, the above statement needs to be quantified. If a blown front tire surprises you and startles you to the point that it "freezes" your brain such that you do nothing, means that you need some training and some way of staying focused on your responsibility as a driver. There's things you can do to train yourself, even as you drive down the highway. Don't lollygag, talk to yourself constantly (keep asking yourself what you would do when a front tire blows out). As a retired high-time commercial pilot, and ex-racecar driver, I have no problem staying ready to instantly properly respond to any emergency. My biggest enemy is complacency.
The above is exactly right.
Here is a way to think about being prepared:
Aim High (Ie look FAR down the road ahead of you)
Kepp Your Eyes and Head Moving (check mirrors often dont "STARE" down
the road)
Get the Big Picture (know whats going on ALL around you dont get
focused on one thing or hypnotized)
Leave yourself an out (Always leave yourself an escape route if
something should happen)
Always be Prepared to Yield (Never push a situation..give way even if
they are wrong)
Make sure others see You (Get eye contact with other drivers try to
understand their intentions..get them to
notice you)
Drive in a way that you control the outcome (self explanatory)
These concepts are taught in professional driving courses for Tractor trailers, buses and other vehicles and while the terminology may differ the ideas are constant. They can be done and those that practice them stay out of trouble.