john&bet wrote:
I would like to know where this recommendation label is posted on my trailer as to what type of tire I must use,LT or ST, if it so critical. I can not find one.
I’m not sure I said that (please point it out if I did), so am not sure what you are asking… but the certification label for the trailer is located at the front left of the trailer… of course you already know that so why the question…
It will have axle load rating (mine – 5040), rim size (15x6) and tire information (225x75xr15)PSI (65) and the trailers manufacture and VIN number… it MAY or MAY NOT use the Letter designations for the tire, but it don’t need to, because there are no LT tires in the size, weight, and PSI ratings listed for the trailer OE with the ST tire…
I have not here or ever before made a claim that you could not use a LT tire… but it seems people for the sake of argument read whatever they want into a post…
BTY You limiting factor seems to be your axle anyway not the tires… your OEM tires had a higher rating than your new ones, but both tires meet or exceed what I might consider as a marginal axle for a trailer that size…
now help me find on the manufactures website or catalogue, where your TransForce HT tires you installed are recommended or even a hint that that tire can or should replace your OE ST tire... and/or any OFFICIAL information from any tire manufacture stating that the LT tire is a good tradeoff for a OE ST tire...
Again some of these arguments are appropriate in the 5er forums, not too much in the TT forums, and need to be more specific as to trailer size in the general forums…