I discovered Star Trek, The Original Series (TOS) at age 14. Watched all the episodes, many times.
At age 44 in 2016, when Leonard Nimoy passed, I found myself on netflix watching episodes of TOS. Enter my 13yo daughter. She and I ended up watching all episodes and starting the Next Gen series. She has now watched all series BTW.
Spring 2016, we found out the 50th Anv of Star Trek was happening, and Shatner and many others would be in Chicago (we live 150 miles south in Peoria). Tix were expensive to see everyone (because, when would we do this again?)
In the end, we met Shatner twice, got pics with everyone, and my daughter could not get over what we just did. Cost us over $3k for a weekend. But the memories...
My youngest was into Star Wars, but gravitated to ST. Now, she's more interested in cooking shows and national parks than TV shows. I love it.
The best part: My oldest starts college in a few weeks...computer and network engineering...because of Star Trek