westernrvparkowner wrote:
Artum Snowbird wrote:
Arrived once at a campground park and it looked completely untended. Washrooms were disgusting, garbage bins overflowing, no signs of anyone caring.
Parked overnight, but did not have a "camping" experience. I expected a serviced site, but this was not and did not warrant my money.
Another time we drove in a one way road for 70 miles with campground signs telling of the provincial park ahead. When we finally arrived, they were parking people in double parking stalls in the day use area and there was a three day wait. Least they could have done was put up a campground full sign before we came in all that way.
Camp attendant came by, and when we refused to pay they just accepted that and moved on.
Do you go to a restaurant, eat your meal and then refuse to pay because the salad bar didn't have olives? You took services, regardless of how you felt about how they were delivered. Not paying for services received is theft, pure and simple. Thieves can be very creative when coming up with excuses for their theft. Serve on a jury sometime and you will see what I mean.
Good analogy and true. If you used the services, you must pay the requested rate. Once you accepted the service and stayed there you do not have the right to refuse payment, morally or legally. You didn't like it? Don't go back, BUT PAY YOUR BILL.