Lynnmor wrote:
Don’t do the caster wheels on the rear, loading all that trailer weight on a corner is a good way to twist the frame. Trailer frames are not what they used to be.
IMO, your fears are unfounded.
All our rigs, even our tow vehicles twist and bend while going down the road. This is part of the design.
Lifting the back end while going up or down a driveway will have absolutely no harmful effect whatsoever on the TT. None. OP is talking a small amount of lift. And it is done at a very slow speed, and it is only for a few seconds.
Traveling down the road hitting heaves and dips in the road puts so much more flexing on the frame and unit as a whole than a minor temporary back end slight lift ever would.
Try it some time with a stabilizer jack. Crank one down and then try opening the door. The door will rack if the frame lifts on one corner. This is normal and nothing to fear.
Take any pickup truck and run one wheel up on a knoll or something, then get out and have a look. The truck will be visually twisted. Again, it's all built into the design and absolutely nothing to worry about.
Caster wheels are a perfect solution and will work fine with no ill effects. And it will work anywhere where there is a steep entrance to a gas station or other places. Yes, the frame can twist, flex and bend. It is designed to do this.