jfkmk wrote:
CavemanCharlie wrote:
john&bet wrote:
The more I read of these type of stories the more I like the way I pay for stuff while traveling. All cash. Very, very seldom use a cc or debit card. It is just my way.
I agree with you. Though I often write out checks but, a lot of places will not take them anymore.
To the OP. Sorry for your loss.
I'm kind of the opposite....I pretty much use a CC for everything. I never carry a balance, I haven't for 20 years. My card's reward points are tied to Amazon, so I get a lot of things for "free" or at a "discount". Another advantage is in most stores I can return things without a receipt, just provide the card it was purchased with.
I'm with you. prudent use of CC can have lots of financial benefits. each year we usually get 6-8 free roundtrip airlines tickets for each of us from our CC, 5% cash back each month on fuel purchases. we use it like a checking account, pay it off every month, have yet to ever pay any interest. And extended warranties on most purchases (which fortunetly haven't had to use), and very easy return policies at merchants.
Haven't ever lost a dime due to unauthorized use either.
using a check IMHO has more risk than a bank card for most transactions.