Thom02099 wrote:
Reader1 wrote:
Crowe wrote:
Also, know what county you are in. Many areas, if not most, post warnings by county.
That is the best advice! We have been in areas where we do not know the county and there are weather watches, never warnings so far.
However....don't rely on technology alone. You could be an area with spotty (or no) service when you arrive, never mind if a storm is approaching.
Carry a good old fashioned map book. I've always had a Rand McNally map book of the USA in my tow vehicle as a backup. It will show the counties and their borders. Also, train yourself to be an observer. Most counties do have border marker signs when you're entering a new county, some will also have a "leaving" sign on their side of the "enter" sign of the other county.
Good advice. We are all too dependent upon technology and forget the good "old fashioned" ways. I should have remembered that-for our honeymoon in May, 1984 we packed up all of our camping gear (yes, camping on my honeymoon, in a tent!) and drove from MA to SD, CO and WY. We hit multiple tornado advisories and one warning. If it wasn't for the map book we would not know what county we were in.