myredracer wrote:
You say you had the right tire pressures. Curious what that is? Should be running the TT tires at max sidewall psi. The truck tires can be run up to, or near the max psi rating. I run our rears on our F250 at 80 psi rear and 75 psi on the fronts. I experimented with lower pressures but found 80/75 gave better handling.
If the WDH setup isn't optimized and the TT isn't level to slightly nose down, the new tires can accentuate sway and poor handling.
Pressures on all tires were per vehicle manufacturer's spec (Chevy/Jayco), not tire max PSI spec.
Trailer was level. I actually stopped on the way home and checked it in a level parking spot of a rest stop. I ratcheted up the chains one link and that seemed to mitigate it slightly due to the increased tension on the sway bars, helping them to more strongly attenuate it. My plan for this trip at the moment is to add dead weight to the front of the trailer, drive slower, and ratchet up yet another chain link. Once I get 400 more miles or so on these tires, I'll put the chains back to the usual link and try upping the speed to see if it recurs.
Again, thanks for everyone's responses thus far.