I have had both knees replaced and one hip, the hip was 2008 and I don't remember the pain it is so normal. I had the first knee done in 2010 and the second done in 2012, I was walking a lot after the first surgery, going up to an hour a day, five days a week. Then it started, pain and noise like you were crushing an Arrowhead water bottle. A lot of scar tissue involve and the surgeon removed it. Felt better but not up to an hour a day at a fast pace. Then the second knee was replaced. I was so jazzed to wake up and absolutly no pain in the new knee. Walking the next day, ome the second day and back in the hospital ER on the forth day. Hematoma from my buttocks to my toes on the back of the leg.
Still using Norco at least once a week and can't get up from a kneeling position without something to push against. I can walk from say the main(old) lodge at Yellowstone to Morning Glory Pool and back with the DGKs but sore that night. Sometimes it is so painful shopping with the DW that I go to the car and take a Norco. If I am moving the pain comes later as much as two hours.
When my radiation is over I'm going back to the Osteo Surgeon and get my old knees back. Actually my eldest DD wants me to try Tai Chi or Yoga, she says the low impact exercise keeps her going and while she waits for her TKR.
Like whoever says it, it's better than the alternative.
Rants over thanks for the shoulder. Oh yeah, I'm only 73.