Chock Full o' Nuts wrote:
silvercorvette wrote:
Either the doctor has a poor needle technique or you have a problem with needles, or it could be that Supartz hurts more. I just had a shot of cortisone in each knee and did not feel a thing. The shot worked like magic but the effects only lasted a few weeks
By the way my doctor had an assistant spray some stuff on my knee to numb it up before he stuck in the needle, did your doc do that?
Yep. I have very little space inside the joint due to severe arthritis. I'm just trying to buy some time to avoid double knee replacements. So far the Supartz is doing a good job.
We are both in the same situation. The cortisone worked like magic but it did not last long. I was hoping the shots would help be do what I need to do to a house in NY I am trying to sell. I was set to leave onMonday but it seems like it is taking me forever to pack the camper. I carry a few things to the camper and after less than a 1/2 hour I need to lay down to get off my feet. My come H-E-double hockey sticks or high water departure had been moved to midnight but I took a pain pill and will not allow myself to drive. Alarm is set to 5:15 AM Friday. I wanted to take it slow on the drive up and drive through NY city on the weaken when traffic isn't as bad, three day is enough time for frequent rest breaks.