NanciL wrote:
If you got the $100 dollar one, it is probably the one that does not have automatic reset.
I made that mistake. If you leave the trailer/rv and there is low voltage, it will trip but won't automatically reset. then at the end of a hot day when you return, your Rv will be like an oven.
I gave my $100 one away for free.
Jack L
I had the same question and it so happens that this unit does reset I'm more concerned with surge suppression rather than voltage monitoring and incorrect socket wiring since I always check the pedestal with my DVM before even accepting a site. Additionally, I never leave anything motorized running when I'm away so I'm not as concerned with low voltage. I'm generally comfortable with just a fan since I try to locate in areas where the temps are not too extreme. I do appreciate your input, though.
For those other respondents who mentioned the Progressive brand, I'll check that out.