rhagfo wrote:
No such thing as a full Blue Rhino tank! They only fill them 80% full and you pay more for the "convenience" of swapping the an empty for full I will continue to have mine filled at a local suppler.
To clarify a little: There is no thing as a "full" propane tank of any type or brand. With the modern OPD valve equipped tank,(required by law since 2002) the tank cannot be filled "full" as an air space of approximately 20% is left for safety purposes. However, a 20 Pound tank does allow for 20 pounds with the air space.
Blue Rhino and other exchange companies have been putting 15 pounds in that 20 pound tank. At first, with no notification to the consumer. (They now label the tank as 15 pounds of fill) According to Blue Rhino it was to keep from raising prices as propane prices soared.
Now matter what, you will pay more for propane on an exchange basis rather than the traditional refill company. My advice get current tanks of your and have them refilled.