Pinstriper wrote:
ArticFox 676 wrote:
Have 30lb tanks and would like to change to 20lb.
Would this compromise any appliances?
Will the propane exchange take the 30lb tanks?
Live in FL and never use the heater so for hot water and cooking the 20lb will be fine. Less tongue weight.
You don't say why you want to do this, so I will assume it is so you have the option of doing a swap or a refill, depending on where/when you are running low and what is available.
It sure is convenience to know that even if I can't find a refiller if I find a swapper I am good to go. My rig has two tanks on a common manifold. I only turn one on at a time. My scheme is to use the first and when it finally runs dry, I switch to the second and replace/refill the first.
The exchanges I have seen are all standardized around 20#. I don't think they'd take a 30 in exchange - it wouldn't fit in their cage, for one. For another, they depend on turning the cylinders around. They get cleaned, inspected, repainted, recertified, then filled and sent back out.
Is it really that hard to find refill locations in some parts of the country??????