Agee with Ron and wonder if this is a troll...Almost made up config
with mention of a half ton, but with Load Range must be after
market tires. As the two lower class half tons come with 'P' and the
fake half ton comes with 'LT' load range 'E' (in most cases, but 'LT' class)
He is a pilot, so should know about CG and weight management vs RATINGs, etc.
As airplanes fall out of the sky if over loaded...if they can even
get airborne. Assume licensed by the FAA, so testing on these issues
and must pass those written tests
Even had his F150's OEM anti-sway system kicking to initiate ABS
to manage sway. On top of having a WD hitch system (right ?) and
friction bars
Spent lots of money on this F150 and wonder why not just get the
right class a +9K GVWR or +10K GVWR dually
Regardless, a good exercise for those who might come across this thread
who might think it's is okay or try to learn something from it
If not a troll, but someone really experiencing these and not had
an accident a Lotto ticket before your luck runs out... :B
Towing setup is a whole system with many, many, many adjustment points
or things you can/should do (dials & knobs)....but....without understanding
what the final setup should be...just touching and adjusting the dials
and knobs...or...tossing in different types of WD systems with no
vision on what that adjustment is doing...nor what the goal of those
adjustments are for
Hope this OP does come back with some actual weights, as Ron says
we are just "speculating" and blindly without those actual weights
Also just "speculating" with those actual weights, but not as blindly...