Deb and Ed M wrote:
My first thought would be how boring it might become? How restrictive it could be, depending on anchoring/riparian laws. And having kept a boat at a marina for a few years, how stunningly expensive it could be for repairs, services, etc.
Having done it... sold a 36 foot DP and bought a 49 foot trawler and traveled all of the East Coast I have to agree on the “stunningly expensive” part of boating. I had 30 years of on water experience and 70,000+ miles of North America Rving. I wouldn’t trade either experience for anything, but there are big differences. IMHO boating, while much cheaper for overnights and free for water and pump outs, makes up for it big time in storage and repairs.
And then there’s the stress factor. RV have a crisis? Call for service and check into a hotel. (I never experienced this bad a crisis, but I’m pretty handy). Boat water pump dies... can’t pump out the waste tank... engine dead. Bigger deal!!!
Loved the boat. Loved the experiences. DW asked how we simplify. Sold the boat, bought a Class B. Aaahhhh. Simplified.