you can eliminate the worry of the stay-at-home-hopefully-responsible-daughter by converting all of your usual monthly bills (mortgage, utilities, etc. to auto-debit from your checking account. you'll get a monthly e-mail 10-15 days in advance letting you know the bill amount and the date that amount will be withdrawn from your checking account. create an online account for other routine bills (cable, satellite, credit cards, insurance, etc.) and turn on electronic bill service. no more paper bills and pay online thru your checking account. we pay virtually all of our bills online with only 1 or 2 that haven't yet joined the 20th, never mind the 21st, century.
for mail...the post office will only hold mail for 30-days (some in small towns may hold longer) so have mail forwarded to a service that will hold and forward to you as needed or desired. some UPS stores will do this although we've had spotty results with them. this winter we'll likely be using America's Mail Box in South Dakota. They, and others, have a service whereby you can log into your account and see an image of the envelopes they have received allowing you to tell them to forward, hold or destroy that particular piece of mail. the post office has a similar service called Informed Daily Digest. you create an online account with USPS, sign up for IDD and then receive an e-mail each day containing images of whatever envelopes are being delivered that day. we use IDD to see what the post office forwarded to whomever is holding our mail.
and since I'm the only driver we limit our daily driving to ~ 4-hrs. with stops for lunch and Maggie the Wonder Beagle that translates into a 5-6 hour day. ideally we like to be on the road by 10 and set up for the night by 3. after a couple of those 1-day drives we'll stay in a park for 1-3 additional days...we ain't in no hurry.