Next time SLOW DOWN.
You've done the frantic thing; for the next trip select a destination area and stay there for a couple of weeks or a month. Usually the monthly rate at a CG is by far the lowest per-day. Also if either of you is 62+ you can get the discount card for haf-price stays at COE and many NF parks.
Then move on to another destination area. You'll save a lot of gas if you only move every couple of weeks or so.
Don't bust your butts trying to drive a bazillion miles. That just makes it a real chore rather than fun.
Stop relying on phone gps apps and get a real rv or trucker gps. You'll know I'm right when your phone app takes down a one-half-lane farm-to-market road or 20 miles down a narrow shoulderless road to a clearance you can't fit under.
Unless you're traveling in a van you really should consider a toad. A toad makes it tremendously easier to sightsee, get groceries, do laundry etc. rather than have to take your rv to do all that.