Free radical
It's a rare person who has a Tesla and a roof full of solar to ONLY charge with that. The electricity is being created with Nat gas and coal. Imo the sun is the answer but it doesn't mean that only batteries are the answer. My money believes people will be rving and pulling heavy loads with hydrogen before battery. People say there is no infrastructure but that was no electrical infrastructure at one time and no gas stations.
Just like rving, it's not one size fits all. There are places for batteries and there are places for other technologies and some that we may not even know about yet.
Many people don't understand how the markets and shorting work. The short sellers are not doing something wrong or illegal and is usually more knowledgeable than most investors. They are taking an opposing position based on the financial numbers.
Others also hated the short sellers and a few that I can think of right off are Enron, WorldCom, Theranos, global crossing.
Short selling is NOT done on hopes or wishes or just believing. It brings balance and analysis to the market. Like constructive criticism.
You can go to the SEC and Wall Street and want to change it but realize before you go that the people you are talking two are going long and short.
The politicians that sit on committees and deal with our government have the ability and it's perfectly legal for them to use their knowledge about companies and go long or short the market. That's how they become wealthy they are not going in there and literally transferring taxpayer money into their bank account well some of them made at. They are able to know what is going to happen to a company if it's going to get a contract for military gear airplanes supplies any number of things in the market they have knowledge of that before hand so they short the market themselves or they go long.