Cummins12V98 wrote:
Honest question, what purpose is there to wear gloves?
The virus molecules linger for days on some surfaces, such as metal. You can touch a can with your fingers on a shelf that someone else coughed upon two days ago, and contract the virus.
You do NOT have to put that hand near your face. The virus does infect a person through the skin, but of course the likelihood of the virus successfully infecting you is greater if the virus enters your respiratory system.
I use gloves especially when getting produce, because I SEE other people without any protective measures touching the items. Checking tomatoes, placing fruits near their nose where their unfiltered breath is exhaled onto the fruit, etc.
The chance of infection, minor, but real.
Most RV folks have disposable gloves for sewer dumping. If they are good enough to prevent a much higher risk of infection from raw sewage, they are good enough for me at the grocery store.
I'm not going to full N95 level protection levels, just a degree of additional caution.