Times are changing .... fast!
We have 2 local dealerships near us.
Now really, when you REALLY think about it, isn't ALL RV dealerships "local?" I don't know of any nation wide chain of dealerships except "Camping Word" that has dealerships in several states and multiple locations. Everything else is ... well ... "local" ... right? How many other "dealerships" have multiple, nation wide locations?
So, with that in mind, "local" dealerships is really just a point of reference to wherever you live. And the fact is, some dealerships have better customer service reputations than others.
But as stated above, times are-a changin'.
(My) local dealerships have now fallen into the same problem than others have been complaining about for years. You use to be able to make an appointment and within a week had everything solved. Now, you are lucky if you can get an appointment within anything less than 3 months out! And that appointment is ONLY to estimate the repair. It might take another 3 months to get the actual repair.
I use to really brag about both of my "par-excellence" RV dealerships and service shops, but no more. In the last 2 years they've fallen into the same problem as all the other (big name) shops.
One dealership near us built a new facility where they could work on, more than double, the amount of RV's, have more bays, and a more and better technology and tools to better serve their increased volume of service.
The problem is, they didn't hire any more employees or service techs. What good is building a new, bigger, and fancier facility if the same number of people are still working the same number of repairs. That's one problem.
The second problem is, new RV's being spit-out from the manufacturers are coming out of the factory with inferior quality. So when the buyer uses them, and then they start falling apart, they go back to the dealership for warranty or service. The volume of returned RV's seems to be ridiculous.
Add to the mix the number of RV sales skyrocketed over the last 5 years, which means more and more being spit out by he manufacturer with less and less quality ... well ....
Add the 3 items together, more returns for service and the same number of service techs and it doesn't take very long for a back-log to happen... REAL FAST.
It's not just the Big Name, Nation Wide dealerships and service companies that is now in deep, it's also the "local" dealerships and shops that overwhelmed and over flooded with service needs.
I see two solutions to the problem, and probably neither will happen. 1) Hire more service techs so the turn-over can happen faster and they might actually get caught up with demand. But that means more wages and that cuts into the company's profits! Yea! That's the real "bottom line." 2) Manufacturers need to tighten up on their quality when the RV units leave the factory.