Debt free is a good start!
But RV FT living is not much cheaper than paying rent.
If you 'workcamp' for a free campsite at a campground then not much time for employment to pay for necessities.
You will still need some means of income for:
Vehicle registrations, vehicle insurance, medical coverage, food, cell phone/internet, fuel, propane, 'mail forwarding service' (because you will need one to establish your domicile/residency,forward your mail) Federal income taxes on ALL monies earned and State taxes on monies earned in any state that has a state tax, emergency fund, savings (to stay debt free) and entertainment.
We FTd for 7 yrs. but we were debt free, had a monthly income, a big emergency fund and had 'memberships' which allowed us to minimize our site fees.
Because workcamping 20 hrs each per week just for a site was about $5/hr and LESS.
We loved FTng.......and would still be doing it if life hadn't throw us a curve.
Great adventure/lifestyle....but it is not cheaper. Just different.
Good luck!