Lots of good suggestions and food for thought presented here. I would suggest that before you jump into the deep end of this pool you rent a motorhome for at least a couple of weeks or better yet a month to make sure it is something you can tolerant for an extended period of time. Not everyone is cut out for the RV lifestyle and if you happen to be in that crowd it would be financially beneficial to make this discovery prior to investing your savings in a RV. We all know of people that retired to the dream of traveling the world in their RV only to discover they couldn't stand the confinement or couldn't make the day to day repairs that WILL be required. Keep in mind that your are driving a house down bumpy roads. Things will come loose, break, shift position, etc. You have to be capable and enjoy fixing these problems yourself!
The suggestion to talk with people that are full timing is a great one. You should visit locations around where you live and talk to as many people as you can to get their differing opinions. Who knows you might also run across someone that is dissatisfied with full timing and will make you a super deal on their RV!
Good luck to ya!