I think this is partly true but IMO we are mostly a blight when you start factoring in all the manufacturing and maintenance that we, as "campers" create. Also, if we paid the electric cost to heat and cool our units we would see their efficiency (water heaters, AC, heat pumps, single pain glass, lower R values everywhere) is WAY less than optimal.
Those of us that have had or currently have small boats or campers with 10 gal fresh water tank and 10 gal holding tanks or we dry camp might be more conservative. But doubt it would ever off set the gargantuan amount of fuel we burn to get to wherever we are going and the associated touring once there. Not to mention the fuel to run the ATVs, generators and BBQ grills.
There is a LONG ways to go in this respect...still an environmental blight but I want other see other countries take the financial lead on the environment. I am tired of paying for the world to get ahead.