I think about this a lot.
I use far less electricity in my van than in a house. I go places where I don't need to heat or cool.
I don't actually drive much :).
I use a lot of paper towels, plastic bags, bottled water, and baby wipes. I never even bought these in my S&B. They are so practical when laundry, water, and showers are difficult.
I put in a huge vegetable garden for a friend whose driveway I was staying in. I think this is an eco thing, though it uses a bit more water than their previous bare dirt :). I want to build them a greywater system.
Laundromats don't have the greywater system that my S&B has, nor the 100% renewable electricity. Campgrounds may or may not let me hang clothes to dry.
There are plusses and minuses. I try to do the right things...