nothing is green anymore. energy is used to do everything. you recycle that plastic bottle, there is a TON of work into making that old bottle into a new bottle. yea we didn't put that one bottle into a landfill, but alot of resources are used to keep that bottle out of the landfill.
green my butt. so some use a little less in a certain stage in life. that is good. but we ALL use alot of resources. and good luck getting most to ever go green in any way. Go green, well, be lucky to get some to 'even conserve' a little. Sure some do but that gets cancelled by those who over use.
it is what it is out there! most use up resources like crazy raising a family and all and in the end if you got some bucks you can do a fun thing in life, like rving, buying an airplane if you fly, buying a yacht to sail the seas...sure that is all using less if you do these as a lifestyle, but in the end it adds only a tiny bit to any kind of real 'green'/conservation.
if you want real green you go primitive. most are never gonna do that :) while they are in a makeshift shelter in the middle of nowhere, look over, ya might see me in my RV living my good life the way I want LOL
Green, pfft, such a useless concept mostly.