Fun stuff, folks but nobody here has yet mentioned that the "elites" of our country have already implemented the "final solution" when nobody was looking.
Our culture has rapidly become one of consumption for gratification. On the surface, this looks really bad for the future of natural resources. But underneath, it's a PR campaign designed to convince most people to care only about themselves and, thus, have few to no kids (since those just cost you money and reduce your ability to indulge yourself). In the long run, no kids means no consumption.
Fact: The USA has dropped to 1.9 kids per couple lifetime average (total fertility rate. source: CIA world factbook online) and it's only that high because immigrants have lots of kids. Break even replacement rate is 2.1. If there had been no immigration in the last 40 years, we'd already be DECLINING in population. Europe as a whole is more like 1.7 TFR. Every single politically stable first world nation on Earth has a below replacement total fertility rate. Only the third world countries still have high birth rates and natural population growth (and TFRs there are falling fast). Look it up for yourself. Yes, global population is still increasing, but it's almost just momentum now. We'll be peaked at about 2075, then in long term decline after that.
Think it's not a dark plan? Then how come "health care reform" resulted in us still having to pay a lot for life saving asthma medicine, life saving chemo, etc. but contraception and sterilization are "free", even if it means sending IRS agents to seize the assets of nuns who in conscience refuse to pay in to such a system? (US vs Little Sister of the Poor)
Ever heard of US AID, the government's "foreign assistance" charitable arm? Guess what the largest segment of their budget is? Roads? Schools? Clean water and sanitation? Nope. Buying contraceptives for third world people.
"They" have a plan, same as the old. Bread and circuses for the masses until they die out from amusing themselves instead of really living. Don't worry about your RV footprint. Just hug your kids and be thankful you're still allowed to have them.
P.S. The above are just the mild ways that the elite have contrived to reduce our population. The most obvious one is WAY to politically controversial to discuss here. But it all fits together when you look.