It feels like we've squeezed all the civil discussion possible out of this topic.
We're preaching to the choir here, since everyone agrees that littering and unlawful dumping are both bad.
I hope we all carry on the responsible Happy Camper tradition of packing out as much trash as we can, especially the stuff that isn't ours.
I haven't thought about this in a long time, but our kids were young and a little useless when we first started boondocking in the desert, so to improve our camps and keep the kids out of the way while we packed up, we would always give each of them a full-sized garbage bag and tell them that nobody would be allowed in the truck to go home unless they brought back full garbage bags. This worked for a few years until we'd been camping in the same various spots long enough that there wasn't enough litter to fill their bags anymore. The kids would drag the weirdest stuff back to camp, like car bumpers and shot up toilets. Eventually it dawned on our kids that they had actually made a huge difference and the decades worth of garbage was gone. And oddly enough, future campers seemed to litter less when they showed up to those clean camps. And now the tables are turned and our grown kids are finger-wagging my wife and I to quit using single-use plastics, etc. Lessons learned.
Have a great day everyone and keep stomping out those litterbugs.