You will get a lot of responses on this as well as telling you to search for threads about dollies. We too use a dolly as well as tow four down with our jeep. By using a dolly I can tow our highlander or MKZ sedan without any problems. The dolly I chose was the ACME dolly. The ramps store on the tongue and are not an issue with clearance. The only thing you may find is if you load your sedan on soft ground the front spoiler (if you have one) may get close to the ramp. I have not had any problem with the MKZ other than the spoiler being close when I loaded it on sandy type soil. With all this being said choosing the dolly will be what you like. Surge brakes, light weight in case you need to unhook and move it around, maint free bearings, do ramps detach are some of the things you will have to decide. One thing about a dolly is as long as your tow vehicle is front wheel drive only you do not have to worry about what tow vehicle to purchase. Granted there may be some too wide or heavy but for the most part not.