The problem with quality control is from the top down.
Any High School kid can design and build one of these things with a bit of training.
For small wages and instructions to get it out the door as first priority we have what we see.
This continued attack on American Workers does not come from America's Workers.
It comes from elites with careless disregard of where they fling their arrows and from lack of knowledge.Still at ten dollars an hour and benefits Workers bend over to do what they are told. Like I said they are doing what they are told. In this day an age. A Worker trying to do the better job will be shown the door. they want speed and cheap build to maximize their profitabilty.
Their view is quality and warranty does not make them money.
Once they wring out all they can and the brand is declining they will sell it off.
They are Investors/Hedge Funds looking for shot to intermediate gain before selling,or bankrupting and liquidating, taaking that money and reinvesting in the next investment.
No commitment to quality and their reputation and repeat Customers, or their Employees.
This is the reason whole categories of goods and durable goods are no longer availabl eand our jobs and our economy is now China's