BarneyS wrote:
Mike134 wrote:
I have to chuckle at the weight police. I've been on the forum a few years and all you read is you need a bigger truck, blah, blah, blah. The OP has a 1-TON DUALLY ONLY towing a 10,000 trailer and suddenly it's not enough truck?
You guys crack me up.
Safe travels, hitch up and never look back at the forum.
Who said he needed a bigger truck? I noticed a lot of questions about the receiver on the truck but not the "blah, blah, blah" that you talk about.:R
Technically you're correct, but the blah blah blah has started in earnest.
So I been reading bout how trailers "need" all this stuff to tow correctly. And given I've towed, idk, maybe 100s of different trailers behind light and med duty trucks over the years, I never could figure out what most of the hype was about.
With that, I've only casually towed a couple travel trailers over the years until a couple weeks ago.
Got me a 34' long toyhauler, thought maybe I'd see the magic happen with a wdh and sway control. Prev owner had a wdh he sold with the trailer. Same story "Ohhh man, you gotta use that thing or she's all over the road."
I was almost excited to try it, but alas it was too short for my truck sitting on a 6" lift and 37s, so I had to go old school...
With nervous trepidation (LOL) I hooked 'er up "naked" to the back of the truck. Stuffed 40psi in the bags since the truck is leveled and has the nice cushy Ram coil springs. That brought her back up to level so I didn't look like a 5 star Joe going down the road, and off we went.
Ripped off 300miles in about 4 hours. Most of the time cruise set on 80, save for pulling a big grade and the top of the pass....and that 50 miles or so of nasty quartering headwinds that greet you every time coming up out of the Columbia river basin it seems. Windy stretch I backed er down to about 70mph mostly because I thought I might run out of fuel before my fuel stop. Didn't know the lie o meter could read 5mpg, but it does!
My bubble was blown. Didn't get to see the magic. Still wonder what it's all about...
No white knuckles, no spilt drinks, no getting tossed allover the road...Oh well, maybe next time it'll be worse!