My wife is the navigator and typically "drives" the routes on screen ahead of time using Google Maps.
And we pay attention to road signs as they whiz past.
You should also listen to local info. My aunt tried to warn me of "the back wy up the mountain" to Monte Sano State Park in Huntsville, AL. She was telling me (in the background while I was talking to her daughter/my cousin) about how terrible it is, tight and twisty. I didn't heed her advice.
2 weeks into owning a 42' fifth wheel (coming from a pop-up camper before that) and we hit that road. It went from small to smaller and ultimately had 1 horrid switchback. We made it through and I gained a lot of confidence.. but man, I still wish I had listened!
The switchback:,-86.5295227,3a,75y,210.42h,73.7t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sBiCXJuE6994VFdp9ocYiig!2e0!7i13312!8i6656