memtb wrote:
rk911 wrote:
bid_time wrote:
jplante4 wrote:
It's always seemed strange to me that people will ignore forecasts by meteorologists that have years of schooling but believe a rodent.
People play along with the Santa Claus and Easter Bunny myth also. It's all in good nature. It's better the being an old curmudgeon.
Santa is a myth????!! :E
So is an accurate meteorological report!
Actually, a report is reality - observations collected from weather sources like airport weather stations etc. A forecast is what someone ( a meteorologist ) thinks will happen based on the models and experience. I tell my flying students a couple of things about weather.
1. Reports starts with 'R' and so does Reality. Forecasts start with 'F' and so does Fantasy
2. NWS meteorologists are government employees and as such don't get fired. If you're the worse weather person at the NWS,they probably put you on the mid shift. Take any forecast developed before 8am with a grain of salt.
Probably the best TV weather guy was Don Kent in Boston. One year he gave a talk at the skipper's meeting for the JFK Regatta the night before the race started. After a few stories, he predicted the next day's weather for us, saying that a back-door cold front would come through about 9:30 and the wind would be northeast 10-20 all day.
I was bringing the boat into the dock the next morning to load up for the race and noticed a black wind line coming down the bay The wind shifted from SW to NE and blew about 20 kts. I looked at my watch and it read 9:31.
Try that Jim Cantore.