No postings from George Lehrer for the past two weeks. He was in the San Diego area when last heard from. Is there anyone on this forum that knows what the score is with him or could check on him??
George was a real cool guy, and I miss him and reading his blog. I had been following him from the begining. I learned many things about campers from him. I know he lost a son, and I lost a dad, so I felt some connection to him on that. He really knew a lot about campers and camping. Pretty good mechanic too.
George only died in body, he lives on in each of us that followed and read his blog. He shared his life with us thru his writing. I do believe that alittle of George is in each of us. What do you think?
Well that's just sad, Im glad there is some info on the blog so members can read up on what happened and leave their comments. Always enjoyed the posts.
Wish there was someone who knows a friend or family member that could contact George and let him know there are people who care about him and are worried and would like to know that he is alright.