Thanks a lot for your suggestions! I do agree that pills are not the right answer. The injury wasn't that bad to do a surgery, but my doctor gave me special gymnastics to reduce pain, which I have to do every day. At first, it was hard for me to sleep on the back or just to sit, I didn't know what to do. So my friend bought me a pillow for reducing the pain. I can't say that the pain is completely gone, but, at least, I can sit without problems. So I decided to try out other types of pillows, found an
article with a description of pillows for back pain, and bought some of them. Unfortunately, not all of them worked great, some made even worse. For example, I didn't like the body pillow because it was uncomfortable to sleep with, or maybe I just couldn't find the right position. The best for me were cervical support pillow and wedge-shaped pillows. Even my cat prefers to sleep on a wedge pillow.
As for gymnastics, I'm trying to do the exercises twice a day and it does help. I feel better now.