djgarcia wrote:
lawnspecialties wrote:
Been there, done that for the OP.
Its bad enough you have to replace tires. Its bad enough you have to repair the camper. But why don't the tires blow out 15 minutes FROM returning home from a trip!
Ruining a vacation probably hurts the most for me.
I had the dealer install six new G614s on the Vengeance before we signed papers. Primarily for more peace of mind and less chances of a ruined trip.
I use the Good Year "G" rated tires and have not had any tire problems after 5 years of use. I will throw this set away and buy new ones this summer. I don't run tires longer than 5 years:)
I do the same. Just tossed the 5 year old Good Year G614's. Great tire and zero issues. Kept the air pressure at 110 PSI. Now have 6 new ones installed. Good for another 5 years...