solman wrote:
Sjm9911 wrote:
Yea, speed and heat along with pressure kills tires. I have heard lots of stories about people putting the pressure sensors in the tires but they don't get warnings of a flat fast enough. I think, like in your car it takes to long for the sensor to read a tire lossing pressure quickly, so you get no warning untill boom. I have also heard stories of the china bomb tires. The truth could be eaither. Unfortunately, flats happen. Hope nothing is too messed up and you get up and running quickly.
Not a pressure loss issue The tire minder system responds to major pressure loss very quickly. I literally heard the tire explode.
Thats the exact opposite of my experiance and of those that have added the monitors in there campers that I know. If yours react instantly good. Mine dont. Even in my new truck they take like 30 mins of driving to get up to corect pressure.