I use a 7 gallon repurposed (and clearly marked!) water jug for grey water dumping. I just install a cap on the coach tank discharge pipe that has a standard garden hose fitting on it intended for back flushing. With a 3 foot section of garden hose attached, it's easy to fill the jug and see when to close the dump valve when the jug is about full. The jug we use sits a little higher than the dump outlet, so there's always a small amount of water still in the hose. I keep a plastic coffee "can" in the wet bin to catch that and add it to the water jug. After a couple of times dumping, I knew just when to close the valve to maximize the quantity in the jug without spilling. The jug has a spigot in the cap, so it's just a matter of laying it down at the dump station and opening the valve and vent to drain it.