Never at a campsite long enough that empting the tanks are an issue. DW and I can go close to a week, the most we've tried, to not worry. However, when we first started out RV'ing with our first rig more than 10 years ago and we were not as well versed on saving tank space, especially it seems washing dishes, as we are now, I had no problem with a slow release of my grey water. That water with the amount of detergent, Dawn for dishes, shampoo and and body soap, is a heckuva lot cleaner than washing your car or your 38 ft. fiver and tow vehicle. Do you just go and dump, as prior posted 40-60 gallons on the ground, no. But there is nothing environmentally wrong with the slow drip. A lot of this will depend on normal camper courtesy that would be exhibited for a campsite like cleaning up empty beer and soda cans, trash deposal, don't leave your fire pit like your personal garbage pit etc. I am amazed when reading about this subject on this or other forums how many lawyers are out there in our camping community because so many are always quoting the law. Respect for fellow campers, present and next to your site and good judgment will go a long way to all of us enjoying the lifestyle.